Credits & Sauces
- Website template - Layout builder
- Tiny buttons - Flightrising
- Huge gif collections - Gifcities | Momg gif gallery
- Chatbox - Cbox
- Pretty cursors - Cursors4u | Rwdesigner | Cursorcc
- Javascript effects - Mf2mf
- The one and only - W3schools
- Cool text effects (textdorm is only available with russian vpn) - Bloggif | Textstudio | Pookatoo | 3dtext2gif | Textanim | Textdorm
- Image/Gif effects - Photomosh | 3dgifmaker | Photokako | Picmix
- Huge animation archive including model sheets , animations & more - Linearchive | Art of animation
- Japanese sound effects (The page is all in japanese) - Soundeffectlab
- My all-time favorite gif maker that even paying photoshop won't handle that many frames - Gifmaker
- Music player (personally didn't work for me so I made my own, but you can still check out if works for you) - SCMmusicplayer
- Every music genre ever - Everynoise
- Famous fonts - Fontbolt
- Unicodes - Unicodes
- Playlist randomizer (we know that Spotty and Youttie shuffles are quite bad) - YT playlist randomizer | YT playlist randomizer
- Flash games archive - Flashpoint
- Online Audacity - Wavacity
- Online TV from 50s to 2000s - Myretrotvs
- Radio from all around the globe - RadioGarden
- Windows93 - Silly online windows parody
- Progressbar95 - Another windows/mac parody with lots of mini games inside of it
- GlobalGear - Games made by this company are super fun and each has a lore, I love 'em sm
Things you didn't know you needed
When there's no one believing in you, remember , that 80s music always will.